
one, two, and three

My weekend in one word: diesel.
My weekend in two words: diesel, hostess.
My weekend in three words: diesel, hostess, stress.

   It hasn't been my favorite. If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen "Tax Free Weekend: I wanted to buy jeans at J.Crew, decided to take my roommates car to the shop instead. Both about $100." That's a pretty good summary of what went on. 
   Honestly that's what I'm dealing with, and don't have much else to say. I have, however, enjoyed reading all your lovely blogs. At the risk of sounding too mopey and sorry for myself (no one wants to read that) I'd like to highlight a few things I've enjoyed reading recently: Shelby at Chasing Birdies (this girl is a sweetheart and had a FUN weekend), Jessica at Here&Now (rocks the best travel outfit ever, complete with leopard print scarf- the other thing I wanted at J.Crew), Elana at Room 334 (sharing a list of delightful details, including darling apple earrings), and Nataly at Lusty Leaves (memories of a past vacation). On that note, a vacation is probably what I'd wish for most right about now...
to Belfast...
or Pensecola...
or London...
or San Jose...
or Nurmes...
or Santa Cruz...
or King's Canyon...
or San Francisco...

quite a few possibilities.
   This weekend I learned: more about cars than I ever hoped to, how to use OpenTable (any hostess/waitress' out there?), when to defend yourself and when to be responsible, and that I should definitely focus a little more.
   That's all. Regularly scheduled programming will commence shortly. 



Elana said...

Aw, thanks so much for linking to my post! Sorry to hear you had a stressful weekend :/ Chin up and I hope you have a much better week! And damn does a trip sound nice...

Shelby said...

Thanks for linking up my post, you made my day!:) I hope this week goes better than your weekend did. Remember: things can only go up from here!:)

Shelby xoxo

Nataly said...

I'm with Elana thanks for linking my post! you're the sweeeetest. Btw I just followed you on twitter!! Gah! I'm hoping to go to SF soon!!!

Everything will get better soon :-) xoxoxox

Alexa said...

gorgeous shots <3 love this post

Alexa <3

Priya said...

Well of course :) and thank you Elana, I appreciate it!

Priya said...

You're welcome, it was my pleasure! Thanks for your kind words Shelby!

Priya said...

Well thank you, you've inspired me! Following you too, you are the coolest. We'll put SF on our blogger rendezvous list :)

Priya said...

thank you alexa!!

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