
weekend update: Less Monday, More SUMMER

I had a little too much fun this weekend, you guys.

Friday night I was running around, getting a new bed, loading up my old bed, that stuff takes way longer than you think it will, I also took a bath for the first time in FOREVER- why has it been so long?

I spent Saturday kayaking on the Harpeth river, which is my favorite kind of Summer day EVER; the kind that you absolutely collapse at the end of (with some sweet tanlines!)

Then Sunday morning the squad & I loaded up and headed to Louisville, Kentucky, for an old co-workers' wedding at the picturesque Henry Clay in DT LOUIS (and if you're wondering if we brushed up on our Henry Clay trivia on the ride up...his wife's name was Lucretia.) This was my first ever Jewish wedding, and I am delighted that we got to witness and participate in the stereotypes- smashing the glass, the chair dance, etc. They know how to party! Congrats Kenton & Jackie! And shout-out to a really great group (ChristineMaryClaireCodyArt) to attend a wedding with.

We left Louisville at 6:30am EST to drive back and go to work soooo no, I'm not really functional. I did spend half the day training my replacement at work :D and now I'm off to get my butt in gear (and do some crafting, etc.) because Marisol's bachelorette kicks off in a few days! I could use a whole lot more Summer and a whole lot less Monday right about now. 

1 comment

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

Sounds like you had a fun and packed weekend.


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