
kindergartener kolor

cardigan- Banana Republic, pin- handmade, dress- H&M, tights- Nordy's Rack, boots- RackRoom shoes, bracelet- gift

My housemate and bunkmate (literally) Emily is a brilliant person and photographer, so naturally I could not refuse when she offered to take pictures for me with her new lense.
These pictures are at a church right by our house, so we walked over on Friday afternoon.
This is when the weather was still weirdly in the 70's because it stormed all weekend, 
now we're back to frigid cold and all I can think is to dress in layers?

I like this outfit, I kinda felt like a kindergarten teacher.
I love dressing in fun colors! It's such a great way to boost your mood.
The last time I wore this dress was to audition for The Pajama Game!
I've been wanting to wear this fun pin FOREVER (or since my mom's cousin gave it to me in May, whichever).
It's such a fun little piece, and as soon as I am inspired again I will wear it again. 

This weekend: a couple friends from Texas were in town so I got to hang out with a bunch of people [so much fun], saw Django Unchained [SO GOOD], make chicken fajitas [well if I am the judge, I would say they turned out well], saw Hunter in a bridal show [man looks good in a tux].

This week: I am training for my NEW job all week, also my best friend from home, Jenae, flys in on Thursday! Ready for that day to hurry up and get here. 

Also: for anyone holding their breath with me about my pencil case...Saturday I bought new Sharpie pens/highlighters. Sunday I found my pencil case in a purse. So, crisis averted. 


The Braided Bandit said...

I love the colorful dress and pin! Oh how I wish I had a roomie that was such a good photographer, my life would be so much easier haha! These turned out great

JenaeM said...

Your hair looks fabbuuulouusss here.

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