
fun in the motherland

Today started off like this. At 4:30 am.
     And this, my friends, is the face of jet-lag. They should seriously hire me as the spokesmodel for some jet-lag medication (slogan ideas: "Jet-lag. It hurts." "Everything lags when you have Jet-lag"). Luckily my mom and I were able to go back to bed for a couple hours, until the rest of civilization woke up.

     This morning we were able to go to my favorite place in Helsinki: Kauppatori (Market Square). It's basically a large outdoor market right by the sea, with all kinds of vendors. Very popular in the summer, less popular in the coldest Spring I have ever experienced, but still awesome. (Yes, it's freezing here. No like, actually 30 degrees).

First we went through an indoor type market, which mostly had food (LOTS of fish).
Regardless of the country, I love cupcakes. 

Next was the outdoor market!
 SO many cool hand-made things.
 I picked up a few souviners and re-familiarized myself with the exchange rate. 

Next up was Hvittrask, the home-turned-museum of Finnish architects Eliel and Eero Saarinen (Eero designed the St. Louis Gateway Arch)! Loved checking out this old Finnish house, which was really a work of art. 

I was having a great day already. And then we went to the National Museum of Finland where I encountered my favorite Museum exhibit of all time: Dream Homes. Did you have a phase growing up where you were obsessed with dollhouses? Does every girl? Because I definitely did. Oh. My. Goodness. (Here we switch to pictures from Carina's iPhone because my camera died).

Dollhouses throughout the ages, which I LOVED. And then the mother of all dollhouses:
You guys. There are no words. This house had 23 rooms, complete with an attic, outdoor and indoor garden, bakery, playroom, and sewing room. I couldn't even take it all in!
So yeah I was there for a while. 

     I am having a wonderful trip! I am loving delicious Finnish food! It is 11 pm and still light outside! What I think I am enjoying the most is spending time with my mom and Carina, which I really don't get to do alot. Carina and I went on a looong run today on beautiful trails right next to my Uncle's house. Umm, jealous! I guess being in Finland is making my mother's Finnish humor on-point, because I'm loving that too. So, no complaints here. Still jet-lagged though. I'm off to bed!


Emily said...

Love the pictures. It looks like an amazing experience.

Tea Journal said...

What a cool market! Hope jet-lag lays off soon!

Priya said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Priya said...

Thanks for all your sweet comments Steph!

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