
fran's wedding

      This weekend was loaded with Mason jars, sand, flower arrangements, driving, wedding decisions, and a beach house full of people (oh and cupcakes, of course). I had a blast being with Shel, as well as Fran, the blushing bride. Congrats to Fran & Tony! Best wishes as you start life together!
   Back to real life: school started this morning (what?!), I’m moving into my new house (stress & joy intertwined), and trying to maintain my regular life activities: boyfriend, friends, working, blogging!
   Also I leave for Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday. So, I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed. But one day when life is boring I will look back nostalgically on this time, right? 


Alexa said...

i love weddings! i'm going to one this saturday and I am soo excited! the bride looks absolutely stunning in her gorgeous dress! i also really love what you're wearing!!!

Alexa <3

Priya said...

Thanks! I looove them too. You should post some pictures from the one you're going to! I love looking at colors/decor/the bride!

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