
on yoga pants & positive thinking

It's another week where my planner has too many colors and too few spaces to write in the things I want to do. Blogging being one of them, and yet, here I am. Priorities skewed?

I am amazed at how much effort it takes me right now to get schoolwork done. Call it #senioritis. Or just an advanced level of procrastination. Either way, notably today I was on campus by 7:40 to get coffee and be on time for class! (Maybe this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is to me.)

The main thing I wanted to share today, for my benefit and yours is:

I've been going to a yoga class on Mondays that I am thoroughly enjoying. I don't know what it is about the atmosphere that puts me in a calm and thoughtful mindset for a complete hour (which will not happen for the rest of the week.) I love it. As cliche as this sounds, my body and my mind get so so stretched and I love the feeling afterwards.

Usually we are encouraged with some thoughts by the instructor. She also encourages us to be "fully there" which is THE hardest thing in the world for me! Yet suddenly I am paying attention to the music playing, the temperature of the room, how each part of my body feels, how the mat feels under me. What a crazy feeling!

Ok here's the actual point: she got on the subject of "positive thinking" (or maybe she didn't and I got there myself? Possible.) and suddenly this thought came into my head. I was blown away by the simplicity and powerful ness of it.

I only have room for positive thoughts. 

And clearly I don't because a million little things throughout my day will inevitably make room for negative thoughts. But. I should, I could, I would like to, only have room for the good ones. So the bad ones feel out of place and don't really stick and get ejected, immediately.

That's all. I had a long, and emotional, weekend, so class was extra nice this week. A good friend aggressively encouraged me to write more on my blog. So, that explains this extra loaded post.

To keep this blog on (somewhat) topic, I also bought these pants yesterday:
It was a buy yourself newlulemons kinda day (defense to inevitable backlash: Christmas money I finally spent. Thanks Tuppy!) I will be honest, I am very excited to wear these to class, a great yoga outfit makes for a great class. Call me shallow. Read the rest of this post.

Thanks for reading!



Larissa said...

I used to do Yoga back in Germany but here in the US I do not really know where to go... so I go swimming twice a week intead and this is also really really good to empty the stressed head :)
Now I have to go back to my paper- writings (I am very good at procrastinating too ;))


Katherine said...

I've nevre done yoga myself, but I love the idea of positive thinking and being present like that. I have really been trying hard to live in the moment - sometimes it's hard because of the photographer in me and that's never going to stop because I love photos - but I'm trying to not post photos as much as just capture what's going on more. And those are some super cute yoga pants!

The gold and red together is brilliant - I am totally doing these, or at least the half and half ones - tonight!

<3 katherine / of corgis & cocktails

Katherine said...

PS. Copy paste fail. Someone did a really cute nail art post with red and gold though - and I am doing it tonight! Haha. Sorry!

Alexa said...

i love yoga and those pants are soo cute! i hope things get less stressful

Alexa <3

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