
spring stripes

so it’s been approx two weeks since I wore this outfit, and I’m still jazzed about it.
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earrings: Forever 21, lipstick: Maybelline ColorSensational in Fuchsia Fever, necklace: Nashville Flea, coat: H&M, dress: Madewell, heels: Urban Outfitters

meet some of my new favorite pieces. this dress was “gifted” to me by Carina, as a combo graduation/birthday present in the patronus of a Madewell giftcard. naturally (have you met me?) I agonized over this purchase for months, wondering what perfect item I could pick from probably the most perfect store. I ended up choosing this dress days after all dresses were on sale, which resulted in a second price-adjustment giftcard, which resulted in this top. win. win. win.
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is it so so horribly terrible for me to describe this dress as “being made SO well?” the fit, the style, the fabric is all just lovely. I don’t know when I’ll meet another Madewell dress that I get to take home, but it’s gonna happen.
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pink has made a comeback, again! it feels so quintessentially girly and I loooove it.

this coat another result of my recent H&M ravaging. I had reached the point in my shopping trip where everything seemed like a feasible option (also known as: pre-bankruptcy). I was en route to check out when this coat came out of no where. some coats sit in your closet quietly and comply with any outfit you dream up. this coat said, “I’m a dress coat! I’m a Spring coat!” everything else is blurry. It was in my car when I got home. no regrets!
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 photo IMG_4454_zps6c93b24e.jpg then I just went for it: a Candyland palette, pink lips, purple necklace, with the key principle: always match your lipstick to your coat.
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what else has been going on this week…

I spent Monday recovering from “sun poisoning” and helping Em with a film project, also had an impromptu lunch date with Kelley at King Solomon Gyros- we will be back.

Tuesday & Wednesday what I really wanted was to unpack, shower, and do laundry, but instead I picked up a little evening job doing registration for an adult sport’s league. it’s making me think I could pick up kickball, or soccer again (fun fact- I used to play.) 99% of the people I’ve interacted with have been as pleasant as Southern punch, the 1% resulted in a Bon Qui Qui “do NOT git loud wit me Sir” response that left me feeling like, “yeah, standing up for yourself is a good thing.”

mostly this job has allowed me to get reading again! I finished Beautiful Ruins last night and started Gone Girl immediately. who has a recommendation while I’m still on my kick?

tonight after the joys of work- no sarcasm- I’m hoping for a housie date with Shel, maybe some Pho? she’s working a couple jobs and in school and making plans for a Southern Living-worthy backyard and I swear I haven’t seen her in weeks!

I always like adding a little life update to outfit posts because otherwise I feel a little “all I do is wear clothes!” certainly I do wear clothes, everyday, but there are many other things that happen everyday or only on special days that I don’t want to forget!

one of my blogging resolutions was to write more, because I like it. there are more reasons, but I mean it not because people are necessarily visiting my blog to read my writing. still, I like to have that element in my blog. i’ve been thinking about that a lot.

hope you all are well. until next time!!


Alissa said...

I would totally be still excited about this outfit too! It is darling and that dress fits you perfectly!

Unknown said...

OBSESSED with this coat. Like need to have it. Also, I finished Beautiful Ruins a couple months ago :) See you soooooon!

Priya said...

they have it in a lighter blush pink too. it's CHIFFON. I mean, it's dreamy.

also- why you gotta one up me like that?? haha, you are always one step ahead.

nicole s. said...

it is not at all silly to say that a dress from Madewell is made well! i want one (all) of their dresses for that exact reason. it's just soooo expensive! i stalk their sale section constantly. love how you styled the pink coat! i have a similar one, and i hadn't though of wearing it with stripes. i love the Candyland styling as well.

i'm so glad you talked a little about building blog posts around outfit details as well as life stuff! i've been really struggling doing my 30x30 posts because i'm taking photos ahead of time since i can't do them every single day, so i don't know what life stuff to write about. i've been trying to plan out the posts so that there's a tie-in with the outfit to talk about a life event or what i've been up to, but it's definitely been on my mind.

sidenote: i would love to see you go Bon Qui Qui on somebody!

aaaand if you're looking for a good read, i recommend Mindy Kaling's book if you haven't read it yet, or tiny beautiful things by Cheryl Strayed.

xo nicole

Andi said...

this outfit is just fabulous! I would probably try to wear it every day. I'm headed to H&M this weekend, and will have to be very careful to not BUY ALL THE THINGS!

Ash @ The Nashvillian said...

I love "life updates" on blog posts. It gives readers some insight into WHO you are, and it makes you seem more REAL. Sometimes I wonder if style bloggers are really just fashion robots trained to turn out post after post of really fabulous outfits. They can't really be real people dressing like that every day, right?! haha, I'm just kidding. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts, and I love your style.


Haleigh said...

This coat... it reminds me of the time I went out on a limb and bought a red wool coat. No regrets :)

And you're right that the life updates make this more real. I love hearing what you're up to in Nashville

Danielle Wallace said...

That dress is oh so perfect in every way. Don't ever invite me to your house. You may never see it again. I love little life updates. I need to add more to mine, but hey sometimes my life is super boring, and no one wants to hear, "so today I went to work, I came home and cooked, and I watched dance moms..... soooo yeah." Hahah. And if you're wondering, that's how I spend every Tuesday.

Unknown said...

Haha I often have that issue where I'm like, "I have literally nothing to write today because there's nothing exciting to say." I'm trying to find other things to report upon, but it's hard when life is so routine! Hooray for having time to read again too! I'm looking forward to that so much once grad school is done.
Also you look gorgeous in this striped dress. Such a perfect, classic piece and that pink coat is awesome with it. I've been loving the pink coat trend too.

And, yes, we live close-ish by! I'd love to visit Tennessee again sometime soon. I've been at least once on a basketball band trip one year to Nashville. I think that was back in 2010.

Only Yesterday Blog said...

I love your outfit, i always have an obsession over stripes! And that pink coat is perfect in oyur whole outfit!


Lauren @ Exploring My Style said...

Ahh I just had a long comment all typed out but it didn't go through! Anyway, your dress is absolutely gorgeous. I love that you paired your pastel pink coat with a pastel purple necklace. So so pretty Priya!

Kristian said...

Don't you look darling in that pink coat? Also- I'm glad you feel better about writing more. After all, your blog is a place for you to enjoy!

Zoya said...

great look! very nice dress! following you now please follow me back if you want..:) kisses!:*)

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