
cupcakes & Paris, Like Crazy

I think I could appeal to every female in the blogosphere single-handedly with that title.

Two really nice things happened first this morning to set off a great day. First, I opened a letter I had gotten from my friend, Katie, and look what it had inside!
    When I was in SLO, we went to Katie's favorite stationary etc. store where they had a little fish-bowl full of these cute pins. I enjoy pins (a picture of my hipster "Pony Express" bag with pins on it sometime soon) and I also adore anything cupcake. Naturally, we scoured the entire bowl looking for the cupcake pin (even dumping in on the counter...sorry lady). We couldn't find it! I settled for a bike pin instead (makes me sound like a snob, I like the bike pin too).
   I realize that may be an uneccessary long story to explain this pin but I just want you to feel the joy I did when I opened her letter and found this inside! I seriously have the sweetest group of friends, thank you Katie! I have never had any desire to actually wear a pin on my person, but I'm tempted to leave that little cupcake hanging out on my pocket all day.

   Second, as I was coming into the office, absolutely rocking 2 day old bedhead, a guy that works here whom I sometimes share a conference room with said "Well hello! Your hair looks awesome. I don't know what you do to it, but it looks like you just stepped out of a salon." It was so sweet (and how do I put this...he is old. And basically like a bodyguard to the company's partners, so he was not hitting on me whatsoever). It was a genuinely nice compliment that put a little pep in my step.
   Also, this morning Hunter dropped me off to work and said "You look nice." He's pretty much like my dad when it comes to making comments about what I'm wearing/how I look (so...he likes me but doesn't really say anything about that) so I was tickled that he noticed. Granted, I did take him on as my style council last night and he wanted to make a point that the outfit he helped pick out looked nice. This explains the cotton solids :)

   Another interesting thing, I know I mentioned I wouldn't talk about Vegas ever again (still working on sorting my pictures & stuff) but this morning as I got my mug out for tea, I thought to myself, well that looks like the hot air balloon outside the Paris hotel. You guys. The mug is from Paris Las Vegas that I thought was fab and wanted to go inside and stay in so bad!!
How very exciting indeed. 
Last thing, I made Hunter watch Like Crazy with me last night. I am the kind of person that cannot watch a movie again for awhile after I watch it because I get bored. But I had just watched it Thursday on the the way to...the airport. I was really really taken by it and wanted to watch it again.
 photo likecrazy_zps9e14aefe.jpg
image via
Rather than fight adamantly against its' haters (my housies) I just want to say a few things about why I was so mesmerized by it.
1. Felicity Jones is stunning and cool. I realized after I saw the movie that I had just clipped some pictures of her out of an old Glamour thinking "She is so cute & how I want my bangs to be." I thought her performance was really amazing.
2. The film is low-budget (she did her own hair + make-up), independent (won Grand Jury prize at Sundance), and raw (they improvised most of the dialogue) which makes it feel so real. It's not a fast-moving, brainless, rom-com. The beauty of it is in the simplicity of everything. The characterization and filmography all felt subtly poignant.
3. I genuinely related to many of the emotions and scenes in the film, which made me really connect with it when I was watching. 
4. The movie ends in a choose-your-own-adventure kinda way, which normally I hate, but since the rest of the film was somewhat ambiguous, it felt fitting. I wish strongly it actually ends one way, but feel like it ends another. You can decide for yourself.

   Anyway, sorry to sound weird and artsy and deep (I am a not a film critic by any means). I would totally recommend watching it and would love to hear your thoughts!

Also, check out the soundtrack. I really really loved the music. There's some beautiful, melancholy piano (from the original score) as well as some really hip, fun songs. 

Totally did not intend to get so deep on a Wednesday morning! I'll probably go read Yahoo OMG! for a while to balance myself out. Have a fab day! 


Alissa said...
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Unknown said...

great blog :)

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Tea Journal said...

Oh, I've been trying to decide whether or not to get that movie at Redbox! Now I'll have to :)

Priya said...

Do it! Let me know how you find it!

Priya said...

Thanks!! I'll check it out!

tsbjf said...

Totally get the feeling of receiving that needle from the haystack type moment! Your pin reminds me of Cupcake Wars, Hayley really loves that show and we watch it together sometimes. :)

Priya said...

I have a weird obsession with cupcakes...i've never actually seen that show but I should check it out! Thanks!

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