
here's what my Tuesday mornings look like:

I affectionately refer to Tuesday's as Donut Day, because Tuesday mornings I work at Donut Den! I love my job, I don't love waking up early, but otherwise what's NOT to love (read: free donuts).
My favorite part of the job is the people (specifically: babies) that I meet. I've gotten pretty good at grouping them into stereotypes: construction worker, foreigner, stay-at-home mom, business man, teacher/nurse (prepare for large order), student, student/parent combo, Green Hills cougar diva... etc. Whenever someone is mean to me or wrongly doesn't tip, I write angry parody SNL skits or Taylor Swift type songs in my head about them.
 Just one more thing about that and then I'll shut up about it: if I have to crawl around on my hands and knees, specially frost something for you, or assemble anything greater than one bag...a tip is in order. Know your tipequette.

Something notable inevitably happens every week. For example, this morning I recieved a $2 bill tip. I have not seen a $2 bill since my parents friend, Grandma Porter, a retired banker, used to send them to me on my birthday. Also I got donuts for a mute guy, so that was interesting. Hunter said he saw a preview for a movie about a deaf guy that had "Yes" and "No" tattooed on his hands. Genius!

And now the obligatory plug for Donut Den. Come in Tuesday mornings for a prime pastry, a delicious donut, or a boffo bagel! Please don't ever order an ICEE because our machine is probably broken! I'm a marketing major, don't worry about it.    

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